Finding life on the hill in Sunbury at Villawood’s Redstone

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Villawood Properties’ masterplanned community in Sunbury, Redstone, had been on the market for some time. When it needed a new story to redefine the brand, we found it waiting right under our feet.

Sometimes all it takes is a good old fashioned site visit and things become clear. That was definitely the case when it came to redefining the Redstone brand. While it had been on the market for a while, it lacked a distinct story that lived up to the actual promise of the community.

At the beginning of the process, the team were taken on a tour of the property, up to the top of the hill, with views all the way to the city skyline, and a gentle slope down to a meandering Jacksons Creek. Not only will residents have all of this to enjoy, it will be the first time that much of this natural habitat will become accessible to the wider community, all part of Villawood’s masterplan.

It was in this moment that the brand begun taking shape. Redstone is Life on the Hill. This became the platform for the brand. And we developed a new contemporary identity inspired by the natural attributes of the land. While the tone of the communications took on a childlike sense of wonder, excitement and energy.

We are also working with Villawood to introduce the site tour to the top of the hill and down to Jacksons Creek as a formal part of the buying process, as we know from our own experience that this alone is enough to make up people’s minds to move here. That’s before they even learn about everything else that Redstone will deliver.

If you’d like to find out more about why life thrives on Redstone Hill, visit the website. If you’d like to talk to us about how we could help your brand define its story, contact Alison now.