Sovereign Hill puts visitors to work this Easter

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With a range of Rare Trade workshops on offer, Sovereign Hill is providing its customers with a unique hands-on experience for the school holidays.

Our latest campaign for Sovereign Hill is encouraging families to get off the couch, away from their phones, and down to the goldfields. With blacksmith classes, wheelwright sessions and lolly making – there’s a job for everyone.

The campaign works by tapping into the amazingly skilled talent behind the scenes at Sovereign Hill. By giving people a chance to learn from the experts and engage with these age-old crafts, Sovereign Hill is not only transporting people back in time but also demonstrating the value in doing things the old fashioned way. And it’s working, with workshops selling out fast and extra sessions being provided to cater for demand.

If you’re interested in doing something a little different this Easter weekend, visit the website and book a Lost Trade Workshop today. Or to chat brands from the 1800s, or any era for that matter, contact Harry now.